Keyword Studio™ Early Access Pricing

Per Month
$99 $79
Per Month Save $20!
Per Month
Per Month

2 Projects at a time

3,000 keywords per project
2 competitors per project

Account Data Includes:
10,000 Generated Keywords
20,000 Vol./CPC. values
2,000 Competitor Keywords
No Rankings or Keyword Difficulty Scores

  • Grouping Blocks™
  • Drag & Drop
  • Google Webmaster Tools Integration
  • Google Analytics Integration
  • Import/Export
  • Synonym Engine™

Get started

10 Projects at a time

6,000 keywords per project
5 competitors per project

Account Data Includes:
30,000 Generated Keywords
60,000 Vol./CPC. values
4,500 Competitor Keywords
400 5-min rank checks
2,000 24-hr rank checks
No Keyword Difficulty Scores

  • Grouping Blocks™
  • Drag & Drop
  • Google Webmaster Tools Integration
  • Google Analytics Integration
  • Import/Export
  • Synonym Engine™

Get started

20 Projects at a time

10,000 keywords per project
10 competitors per project

Account Data Includes:
60,000 Generated Keywords
120,000 Vol./CPC. values
12,000 Competitor Keywords
800 5-min rank checks
10,000 24-hr rank checks
No Keyword Difficulty Scores

  • Grouping Blocks™
  • Drag & Drop
  • Google Webmaster Tools Integration
  • Google Analytics Integration
  • Import/Export
  • Synonym Engine™

Get started

30 Projects at a time

25,000 keywords per project
15 competitors per project

Account Data Includes:
140,000 Generated Keywords
280,000 Vol./CPC. values
40,000 Competitor Keywords
3,000 Keyword Difficulty Scores
2,000 5-min rank checks
25,000 24-hr rank checks

  • Grouping Blocks™
  • Drag & Drop
  • Google Webmaster Tools Integration
  • Google Analytics Integration
  • Import/Export
  • Synonym Engine™

Get started

Pricing FAQ
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